The company “ALOE VERA HELLAS LTD” was founded at Heraklion Crete in 2012. It’s operation involves the selling of aloe vera plants as well as the production of aloe based products such as food supplement, marmalades, antiseptics, cosmetics e.t.c.
Our company also offers private label (p.l) services for aloe vera juices as well as other products based on the requirements and specification of each customer.
We have certified plants of genuine Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller and we guarantee the quality of the gel that we draw abiding by all the process rules and checks.
Concerning cultivation, the company provides all the necessary know-how to its producers, offers useful services so that the plant can be cultivated as well as possible and have the maximum possible performance.
Aloe is very easy to be cultivated and thrives in most grounds and is a plant that is produced for many years. It does not need any pesticides as there aren’t any serious diseases that affect it.
An important enemy for aloe is snails that are easy to face with organic ways.
All the cultivations of our producers are of organic production. Organic cultivation is essential to promote the gel to pharmaceutical – cosmetic companies.